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Sound the Mound awarded a SAPPI Ideas that matter grant

The project Sound the Mound co-founded with designer Andrew Shea has received an Ideas That Matter grant


About Ideas that Matter:
By funding programs that have designs on making a positive change in our society, Sappi has helped over 500 grant winners put their ideas on paper for all to see. These partnerships prove the power of creativity to inspire action, unite people and achieve goals as together we strive to make a difference in the world.

We asked how design can be used to drive change, and you answered. After reviewing many outstanding proposals, we’re convinced that these ten have what it takes to make a difference in lives and communities around the world—and we’re delighted to announce them as Sappi’s 2018 Ideas that Matter grant recipients!

About Sound the Mound
The $40,722 award will support a curriculum toolkit, technology-driven public art installations, exhibits and a supporting website focused on educating high school students about waste, sustainability and environmental health. The toolkit will be used by students who visit Freshkills Park (formerly the world’s largest landfill and now a park) and will be downloadable for use throughout the country.

More about Sound the Mound
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