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Wave Farm – Free103.9
Airtime Residency with the artist James Rouvelle (with Matthew Rohrer)
October 2007
Our project description:

Wave Farm is “a non-profit arts organization that celebrates creative and community use of media and the airwaves. Our programs provide access to transmission technologies and support artists and organizations that engage with media as an art form.”

In “Trailhead” the goal was to map the Wave Farm grounds with sound and images. As James and I wandered through the woods, we listened and responded with our equipment, recording our activities and documenting our location. We invited the poet Matthew Rohrer to collaborate with us, to help shape the project in its final stages.

The project mutated as we worked, becoming an electroacoustic scavenger hunt. James and I planted written clues around the grounds, and these along with field recordings and sonic interventions, became the basis of the work. Matt attempted to follow our hand-drawn map which plotted the sites of activity on the grounds and as he found the various prompts, created a poem from them. The final result was a video that collapsed the events of the residency into a one hour experience capturing some of the process and deliriousness of our stay at Wavefarm.

Project Drawings

Trailhead images


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