Residency Installation
Marble House Project
Dorset, VT
“Stone+Cold+Groove” was a series of related works created during a Family residency at Marble House Project in July 2017. The title alludes to the three-part structure of the work with each word acting as an organizing theme.
STONE is an important aspect of Marble House’s identity, and so this movement concentrated on the sonic qualities of marble coupled with the mineral’s historical and geological significance in the region. The resulting piece was a 5.1 surround sound installation created for the MHP event barn that included field recording from the quarries and grounds, sounds of marble, the various instruments that were part of my studio, and interviews with two local historians.
Documentation of my presentation at Marble House. The video includes a stereo version of my surround sound work Stone Cold Groove 07:07
COLD alludes to the waters that feed the quarry on the Marble House grounds and this movement engaged the marble quarry as an ultra-specific acoustic site in which the pool and surrounding stones become a stage for an installation and performance. This was the culminating phase of the project the resulting 7 channel sound installation was created entirely from my fellow resident’s children as they vocalized sounds from the MHP environment like wind, birds, stone, insects, etc.
GROOVE refers to both the deep stripes left in quarry stones after they are drilled and split, and also the plowed furrows created for planting crops on a farm. An additional bonus of course is the musical allusion. This movement used the farm as its sonic subject and resulted in a low power FM radio station that broadcast the sounds within and surrounding the MHP chicken coop.
Drawings and Sketches from Stone Cold Groove