Queens, New York
Flux Factory – Everything Must Go!
April 2008
Fluxlotto was created for the exhibition Everything Must Go! the final show in the 38-38 43rd Street location of Flix factory before the building was demolished. The installation is a sort of auto-curation device that uses numbered packing peanuts, wind, lights, video and an unusual timing mechanism to distribute numbers like a lotto machine.
Fluxlotto (from a card mounted within the installation)
The Fluxlotto machine is the latest innovation brought to you by the friendly folks at Flux Factory. The device will automatically determine participants for future Flux Factory Exhibitions. We realize that our impending dislocation will necessitate drastic changes in the way that we function as an arts organization, so it is imperative that we use our resources wisely. This device will free up our curators so they won’t have to spend their valuable time selecting artists for exhibitions and can, instead search diligently for a new Flux Factory venue.
How does Fluxlotto work?
When a number falls from the tube, stick it on one of the nails on the left side of this wall. Each number represents an individual from Flux Factory past or present. When the 22 nails are filled, it constitutes the artist roster of a future
Flux Factory exhibition. Jot down the results in one of the provided spaces below the nails. You can compare the numbers to the list posted here to see who is in the show. When you wish to clear the wall and begin curating a new Flux exhibition, simply take the styrofoam off the nails and put them in the Fluxlotto Recycle Bucket. A Fluxlotto representative will place them back into the device so they can be included in future drawings.
Everything Must Go! Exhibition Statement:
Soon, very soon, the Flux Factory space at 38-38 43rd Street will be demolished. In anticipation of this event, we are turning the entirety of Flux Factory into a giant installation of itself. more