The Airborne Library
Performers and makers wanted!
This is an invitation to participate in the The Airborne Library, a project for the Uncommon Art residency at the Teton Artlab in Jackson Wyoming in April 2022.
What am I looking for?
I seek 6 or more volunteers to:
(A) create horns and
(B) take part in an event using the horns.
You can make a horn for yourself or for someone else to use in a live event!
What’s it about?
The project explores the idea that sounds, once created, continue
to travel around the globe for eternity – but I’ll share more about that later!
What do do now?
The first step is to create a horn that can be used in an event in April. Once I arrive, your horn will be fitted with a special 3D-printed noisemaker that uses air, vibration and a rubber membrane to generate sound. I will provide this to you along with a kit of printed materials, instructions and supplies!
Horn Guidelines
The only limitation for the horn is the size of the hole that the 3D-printed noisemaker will fit into.
It should be a 1/2” opening. The size and shape of the horn is up to you. It can be made of ceramic, metal, wood, plastic, etc – you choose! See the image below for some details.
You can contact me at roachj(at)newschool(dot)edu
Who am I?
You can find out more here: